So far this week I have taken five assessments:
II.B.1 What's your leadership style?
II.B.5 How good am I at disciplining others?
II.C.3 How good am I at playing politics?
IV.E.1 What's my attitude toward working in groups?
IV.E.4 Am I an ethical leader?
I asked my wife to complete the “politics” assessment as if she were me. Apparently she views me as more political than I do; she scored a 111 out of 126. I scored only slightly lower at 102, still highly capable of “gaining support and trust of others within the organization to further my agenda” (Pearson).
I would like to discuss the results of II.B.1, What's your leadership style. This assessment rates both my perspective toward the task and the other people in the group. I rated a “9” in both categories. This score in the task importance indicates that I have a low priority on getting the job done. The “9” score for people oriented is actually high. So my natural bent is toward pleasing people or making sure we can work together in harmony to the detriment of accomplishing the task.
I basically agree with the results of the assessment, however some of the specific questions got me thinking about my attitudes relating to group work and where I can improve. Since I have an aversion to lower priority on the task, I must remember that I was hired to accomplish the task. That is my employers main priority, so I must ensure I am working diligently whenever possible to complete the work that needs to be done.
Ryan McCormack’s Operational Excellence Mixtape: March 7, 2025
Thanks, as always, to Ryan McCormack for this. He always shares so much
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